Sunday, August 3, 2008

Selling items to market to buy with your alts?

So I tested this today.

I figured I could move a ton of Dragon's Might items and Boar's Teeth to my new undead alt when Undead is released.

I tested with an enhanted item of stamina, nothing that I really would miss.

After selling it on my main, I looked at all 655 pages of chain armor, and it did not appear.

I waited 10 mins, and tryed again.

Thus, my conclusion from this limited testing is that this idea won't work, and most likely I will have to refarm my items :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is what i found within the guild. If you notice when you sell items and then pickup new items invariably they will fillup the same slots

ie you have
item 1
item 2
item 3

If you sell item 2 the next item you pickup will appear in the item 2 slot.

so it is now

item 1
item 4
item 3

So I suspect the market works the same way but with many more items
We tested this twice with boar spears of terror and the item was found some 60 pages back. This could have been the next free slot backfill available.

(I could be wrong and this was just from empirical testing)
