Thursday, May 27, 2010

So I'm back...

Logged in Saga yesterday on my two accounts.

I'm not going to say it was my first time back since I stopped writing this daily blog. I've been back before, but this is the first time I really felt like playing.

If you as a reader read back some of the history on tis blog, you will find that I bought a stack load of undead factional boosters before they released that army. Strangely now playing, I find that the undead have a lot of PVE promise now, similar to machine.

If you add the new rogue troops to the undead army, it really makes leveling fun. I leveled my undead army to 20 without a lot of the normal nonsense, I still have my 35 nature army, but undead seem better.

Anyhow, why am I writing again?

I never really stopped. I wrote a wow blog for awhile on Gameriot. I write a paintball blog here on blogspot. Sorry saga thoughts just didn't hold me after 120+ posts.

What do I want to do here?

Well, I think there's a lot of metagame still left to do in the PVE side of the game. As much as I thought pvp would be golden here, honestly saga is a great relaxing persistent pve daily game.

I plan, to write more about pve, maximizing and minimizing to setup the most rewarding pve process. Whether I'm successful, we will see, but hopefully I will at least entertain my number one reader - ed - who still subscribed to a dead blog for two years.

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