Saturday, August 9, 2008

Another Sample Tournament Video

Here is another look at the Tournament Beta this weekend. I think we are done after this, basically there were three tournaments.

Illian won the first and Kheldara the second.

Although with the server crashing, they disquald my second match. (I'm the horse).

Sample Tournament Video - Short

This shows the battle between me and Illian (he won) :)

Gives you an idea of the layout. - Direct Link

Tourneys up in 30min!

So I confirmed that so far it looks like Tourneys are still opening for free in 30 mins.

Jump on for free EVENT TICKETS. (You still have to buy packs to play).

Friday, August 8, 2008

Free Tournaments tommorrow!

"To give players a sneak peek and help us find any remaining potential problems, we are going to upload the tournament code and run a limited public test tomorrow between the hours of Noon and 4PM EST.

During the public test, NO event tickets will be charged, however full prizes will still be awarded."

FREE Event Tickets.

Card Submissions - VOTE now!

So the Card Idea Post is up, ready for voting:

Please go here and vote, let your opinion count.

The big front runner is our friend the NEUTRAL FLYER. Yes that is a great idea.

Sadly for us Nature players my ICE ELEMENTAL is the only submission. WTH Illian, you too busy to send in some ideas? Comeon, Nature is great, but we need more troops!

If you are a Nature player, please kick in a vote for Icey if you don't mind. Troops that Stun in PVP help Nature.

Anyway, heres the post to link to:

Still no patch. Probably next week.

Tournament bugs still plaguing the new code I'm sure.

I will reemphazise this idea. You don't want to join a tournament and have it crash on you. Wasting $11 is no joke for players.

Give them time to keep working it.

I estimate from the Undead update that undead are probably about a month or so from being finished too, so something like September.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Undead Update

Undead Development update • (Source: Saga News)
7 August 2008

"So, here are a few detailed notes that have been gathered from the various departments:
- All 17 of the new Undead Units have been fully modeled, textured and added into the game.
- 16 of those units have been fully animated (the Forsaken Rider's attack animation is currently being worked on).
- All of the Undead buildings have been modeled, textured and added into the game.
- The building animations (for when the buildings are destroyed) are also being worked on.
- The Undead battle interface has been completed and added into the game.
- The Undead nation interface is 90% complete (one small window remains and will be finished today).
- The icons for the nation interface are done, as are the icons for the Undead units and Spells. Only the spell icons remain to be added into the game engine.
- The character portraits for the Undead have been completed and added into the game.
- The music for the Undead has been completed and added into the game (check out the SAGA Facebook page for a preview!)
- The sounds for the Undead units have been recorded, edited and mastered. They are being added into the game today.
- The programmers have finished adding and modifying the game's code to add the Undead as a full-featured faction. They're now working on tournaments, along with some other new features.
- Monk spent many hours of his recent vacation running battles with the Undead, adjusting their stats and balancing their abilities.
- Only 19 particle effects remain for the Undead's physical attacks, specials, and spells. The Art department has been working on those, and inform me that each particle effect takes about 3 to 6 hours to create, adjust, and add into the game.
- The card art for the Undead units has been completed. The cards won't be added to the website until launch.
- The card art for the Undead spells is waiting for the final approval of the spells' particle effects.
- The quest writers have finished with the Undead tutorials and territory quests, and are currently finalizing which quests the Undead will be able to undertake. (On a side note, we got three new quest writers last week, and they're working on some brand new quest lines unlike anything SAGA has seen before. More on that another day.)
- The quest map (here's a new item) is being expanded. The art director has been working on this over the last week, and is nearly finished with it (To explain, the art director, amazing man that he is, drew the quest map by hand. He brought the original quest map into the office the other day, and it was amazing how much detail went into it - It's about 4 feet tall and almost twice as wide).
Lastly, the testers will be resuming full time testing of the Undead as soon as tournaments are finished (which, if all goes well, should be today or tomorrow). During testing some of the stats, abilities, spells, animation effects, and various other items will continue to be fine-tuned for release.
So there you have it, the run-down of Undead development. "

More updates

Bugs in tournaments would be bad. If you have to pay 11$ for entry, then you lose due to a bug, you will be PISSED.
Give Silverlode time to fix bugs...

Update on Tournaments and the Patch

So stay tuned to main Saga Site for more info.

Personally I don't mind waiting. I'd rather see a good product/experience.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

No patch yet...

So far patch hasn't hit, nor any notes.

However, they are moving the chat bar around in missions.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New Patch is Tommorrow

Patch tommorrow if all goes well.

Hopefully it contains alot of good stuff.

Warlords of the East as good loot as Mithril Mines?

So someone on the boards is stating Warlords of the East is running for him/her as good loot as Mithril Mines.

I figured I haven't covered this quest that much, so here is a video, and a loot screen.

Overall I would say that Warlords is EASIER, although with a boss mob at the end that has a high hit rating, it seems slower to me then a fast Mithril. It does drop less loot, overall, but with the number of mobs, it seem decent enough.

If Mithril is causing you pain farming, then Warlords is definitely a good quest.

It also is good for leveling your flyers.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Moving your resources off to alts is a waste...

  • So one of the tricks people do when getting raided alot is to move their resources, stone/gold/lumber off to a level 1 Alt account.

  • This was something I did early, until I found out that even with 0 resources, someone was still able to make 200 resources off me through a raid.

  • Mana Mines are the only exception. The shards someone gets is directly proportional to your total.

So if you are going to war footing, and think that your high gold count is a problem, the answer is assuredly no. Save your gold, it's nice to have it available for repairs.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Selling items to market to buy with your alts?

So I tested this today.

I figured I could move a ton of Dragon's Might items and Boar's Teeth to my new undead alt when Undead is released.

I tested with an enhanted item of stamina, nothing that I really would miss.

After selling it on my main, I looked at all 655 pages of chain armor, and it did not appear.

I waited 10 mins, and tryed again.

Thus, my conclusion from this limited testing is that this idea won't work, and most likely I will have to refarm my items :(