Saturday, August 7, 2010

Darktide Tricks for the early levels: Part 4

Only one trick today, (its a weekend).

When you hit 19 you will get your new class based ship. This ship is loaded with more cannon slots, and if you skimp you will hit a wall where you damage is pretty lacking.

One trick with "Saga Credits" is this 19 credit cannon. The Blue version is 150 credits/cannon, the purple 310/cannon, yet the green is 19.

Seems to be a hella good deal for grinding experience.

Darktide Tricks for the early levels: Part 3

A couple more tricks:

  • Whats the best experience? SPEED. Kill enemy that doesn't hurt you too bad in vast quantity. There is an experience cap for each level. At 15 I was able to kill level 19 mobs while buffed. However, the experience for 19s was the same as 17s + or - a 5% or so.

  • I was pretty much able to level 15-19 killing level 16-17 enemies.

  • You get your class ship at 19, but you get enough points to use it at 15. This lets you stack points into another line if you like. I personally got the commander heal completely unlocked. Not a great heal, but helpful.

  • The Destroyer ship at 19 is kinda lackluster. I really don't know which is the best class to play yet. I have almost the entire Destroyer tree opened, and its seems kinda less useful. I mostly fight at medium range, so it's hard to figure out what is the best class to run in the release game.

  • 100 wood is the number to save for to get the ship at 19. It's actually pretty easy, I had 200.

  • Everytime you get a BLUE or PURPLE drop, thats a nice crew member, or a decent cannon. I love seeing those drop. By level 19, I had only seen two purples and about 20 blues. However, as I don't mind buying "Saga Credits" I never had a lot of trouble upgrading my ship without those drops. I think for people playing for free, you will definitely need to farm a lot for your upgrades. At 19, I still had a lot of level 7 and 9 cannons and crew on my ship. Theres a HUGE damage upgrade between 19 cannons and 9 cannons. Almost 3 times damage.

  • Some crew are just plain better then their alternatives. Orc Snipers seem to have the better stats from when I went to the merchant isles. I assume most of the crew are placeholders now, after all its beta right.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Darktide Tricks for the early levels: Part 2

Even more tricks:

  • You replace cannons a lot. Sometimes you need the inventory space, and you wonder if you should sell the old cannons to the vendor. Don't. Store them on an old ship in your captain's log for free space. This also works for crew that you don't need.

  • Most of the white cannons and crew are tradeable to friends. Save them, your friends will love the few gear.

  • You can't trade "soulbound" units. Store them instead on your extra ships.

  • Docks are buggy in terms of getting stuck. Stay away from the lumber while trading to get from being annoyed.

  • If you don't spend skill points on other lines, you can have your first "class" ship at 15. Sadly, it looks like the first ship is buyable at 19.

Anyone want to see what a "Dragon ship" looks like?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Darktide Tricks for the early levels:

Here are some of the tricks I've learned that might help new players:

  • Run 1 long range gun on each side of your boat. Even though it isn't the best damage, it sure is nice to pull ships from longer range, so to avoid getting multiple red attackers on you at once.
  • The early crew are not too different from each other. Pick any medium range crew member, but don't forget to upgrade them as better crew is available.
  • If you have "Saga Credits" to burn, the buffs are the best cheapest way to improve your ship. 30% attack speed, double experience and 40% movement makes the game much easier at early levels. I honestly never let those buffs go down.
  • Medium range cannons are the overall best at early levels. Why? Because there are no long range crew. You have to get into medium crew range at the minimum to get them to fire. Most enemies at the low level fire mostly in the medium range.
  • If you want a cool looking crew member, get the "Wight". These birdmen fly around the top of your ship and crossbow the enemy. Awesome.
  • Don't sell "quest" items. Seriously, you will regret it. You don't need gold, you need quest items...
  • Once you leave newby cove, you will find your treasure maps might not be in the first zone. Zoom out and look around.

For more Tricks and Thoughts:

Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -

Keep watching the blog for Part 4 and on versions of this guide. Stay tuned...

Darktide Thoughts? It's still Saga to me...

So I've been playing the Open Beta of Darktide, and have a couple thoughts.

Well I figure, this is a Saga game, so I'm keeping it Sagathoughts, and so be it.