I have already shown off my city build in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8rdP2RqXk0
Here is how I setup my territories, and what I concentrated on. (Click on picture to see it larger).
• Patch 1.42.3 - LIVE •
25 July 2008
"The tournaments should also be available next week." - Slava - Saga Games
So several of us got together to demonstrate a big epic battle.
One thing I know when talking to friends that play Saga in the 10-20 Nation level is that they don't understand how fun and epic PvP can be. They spend so much time doing quests with 3 troops per side that the epic nature of the game isn't as obvious.
If you "watch in high quality" I think it looks pretty good full screen too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEF9H4vnCK0#
Thanks to Kheldara and Dark Rage and others for helping set this up. Kheldara was the big winner, and won 3000 or so gold.
The winner of a 225CP FFA can win up to 5000 gold from "Gods" depending on how many troops die in the battle. Also a 2v2 FFA match is no rating change, and give shards.
If I were doing machine for territory defense I would use units that had awesome passives. (Specials don't fire well for the AI)
Here is the math:
And for those that say that you can sell the cards. Fine. Tell me how many boosters are worth MORE then $3.
To demonstrate this, I just bought 4 boosters, here is EACH of them:
This army costs about $40 or 250,000 gold and $17.
This is called "going infinite" in games like Magic the Gathering Online. Where you win enough to play for free every tourneyment.
By popular demand, here is the video that is referred to the most in /conflict in the last couple of days.
Shrine rush in the 1v1 PvP is defined as trying to take early shrines from the other player.
In this video, the player Christians rushs Illian's shrines. As you don't see where their initial units are positioned until the game starts, this ended up bad for his lone Chariot Archers.
This tactic although not strategically valid was not the problem. The problem was immediantly after this, he concedes the game (surrenders), complaining about a phantom itch on his butt.
Wow Christians, if you want to make up an excuse, here are some better ideas:
or the best way to concede a game.
"Good game, get you next time."
This is a quick video I made of Mithril Mines.
If you haven't played Saga at the end-game PvE, this is a pretty good representation of the scope and density of the troop fights.
Note all of these enemy troops are level 10 troops, so they take a bit to kill down.
If you click over to YouTube, they have a "watch in high quality" option that looks even better.
Ok, with all that going on, it is a perfect time to use the safehold time to pump up your army.
You should think about doing the following:
Sure we can all complain about the state of raiding as this thread shows, but you have to look at the Free-Build changes as an improvement. I like them, if other things are broken temporarily, its just time to do something new.