The one PROBLEM with a Army buff, is it adds up your TOTAL CP of your army, and your Territory Defense forces into a number which then it applies to the cost of the buff.
For Example, the max Army size is 5000 CP, so if you have a full Army you will have something that costs 15000 food, 15000 gold, 15000 wood, and 15000 stone per day.
This is SUBSTANTIAL, as your daily production will cap out at around 2000 of each material per day.
There are definitely people in the game now that have enough stockpiled production to easily be able to turn this on, and leave it on, but I doubt the average gamer can keep this running all the time.
I was barely able to afford the 5% DR lumber bonus.
It takes about 24 hours per percentage bonus. I have had this turned on since Friday night at 6pm, and now it finally registers 1% bonus on my Army window and the troop mouse-over.
So what does this mean?
- This is an option for big battles. When you are going into something where you burn your spare production.
- If you turn off ALL of your units in your territories to 0/25, you will reduce your total Army CP. A 225 battle is 675 total CP. You could get rid of your territory defense and run around 700 total Army CP, which makes the 15% bonus cost 2100 per day. This wouldn't slow someone raiding you down, but it would max your attacking army.
- Because this takes days to turn on, make sure you think about it 5 days before the big battle.
Yet another good blog post. One thing that I've heard others mention is that training isn't worth it if you are just going to be questing. Unless you are a serious pvper it might not be worth it to invest that many resources in the training.
It is alot of resources for a nice bonus. I'm sure hardcore players will have materials stored up for this.
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