So Sagatraders has given the trade list.
This brings the point of WTH is Silverlode thinking when they made the market so poorly. Why not allow big gold trades for units, why limit us?
Why not build a better search engine.
Anyway, as a sample, here is the undead list. Overall its a pretty good list.

If you can get to Level 35 you can farm a TON of gold. Good way to play for free imo. Get to 35 then start collecting your army.
Very true but be prepared to get bored if you farm a lot. Hopefully the new questing system and additional content should solve it. :)
Well, this game is currently about grinding - just keep your eye on the prize: World Conflict.
You really can't go by any guides on this game.They can be somewhat in a ball park but it's always supply/demand and how much someone wants or needs a card.Sometimes these prices confuse people when they can actually get some of the cards cheaper from a pricelist and also even sell some cards for more than whats on the list.
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