Friday, July 18, 2008

Deck Profiling - Nature CCIE - Part 1

So I promised to profile my working army:

  • "Human Heavy Cavalry", - 7 troops

  • "Behemoth","2"

  • "Armored Behemoth","1"

  • "Ballista","5"

  • "Trebuchet","3"

  • "Green Dragon","3"

  • "Wood Giants","10" - 2 troops

  • "Treants", - 5 troops

  • "Fire Elementals", - 6 troops

  • "Earth Elementals", - 2 troops

  • "Elven Druids", - 4 troops

  • "Elven Longbowmen", - 2 troops

  • "Eagle Riders", - 3 troops

  • "Lightning Elementals", - 6 troops

  • "Elven Bear Riders", - 1 troop

  • "Elven Sabretooth Riders", - 2 troops

  • "Elven Saboteurs", - 2 troops

Here are my reasoning for this build. I am heavy Elementals with near 6 of each. I love my elementals, and now with the LACK of an anti elemental card in undead they are still very viable as a theme deck.

I don't run more then a full compliment of eagles. My longbowman are only a set of two, and I use primarily for PvE boss kills. I plan on combining Summon Behemoth, Behemoths, and Elven Sabs for heavy Machine kills.

Unlike Illian, I prefer Fire Elementals to Bear Riders. Mostly a theme difference.

Elven Sabertooth Riders are my counter-cappers.

I only have 2 Ballistas that matter, and only 2 Trebs, the rest are 1s and 2s.

With 7 Heavy Cav troops of various levels, I can throw them away if needed.

And 5 sets of Treants. I will probably go to 6 before I'm done, but I'm probably not worried about it for awhile. Treants aren't squishy really, they live along time.

In terms of levels I try to get everything to level 8 for my main army. Anything lower I keep training in PvE.

Gear, I go mainly for speed, and I've enchanted about 10 items or so, using mostly 16%.

With all the Elementals, I go for Wards of Dragon Might and Boar's Tooth Charms. I have most of the Wards done, now finishing the Charms. On Longbowman and Eagles I use Justice like everyone else.


Anonymous said...

Karma Good Or Bad...
Did a recon last night on CCIE northwest wilderness just to have a look at your setup.I was quite surprised at how fast they took down my 2 unit recon team(defence buffed beheamoths)!!Nice job on your set up,I could find no holes in it to move through,and when those gatehouses turn stone it will be a deathtrap.Nicely done CCIE.
Lord Mars1
Oh it was my first raid ever,LOL

CCIE said...

With walls and untargettable buildings right now raiding is broken.

Take your time to level your troops.