Tuesday, July 15, 2008

On Request! Raid on Karma Good Or Bad

So if you check the comments section of my previous post http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=6435071171440404091&postID=5553832416058726992&isPopup=true, you will find that Karma Good Or Bad has requested open season on his single wilderness territory.

He wants to be raided.

My video is editted a little make it faster.

In the guise of science, I hit him twice this morning. Here is my review Karma, of your territory defenses.

  1. Alot of high level common troops like cav archers, and light cav, and human archers. Most were higher levels which is good, but as you can tell from my video, my elementals are good at facing those types of troops.
  2. Illian in his PvP Nature guide: http://www.sagaunits.com/sagaguide/naturepvp.html has completely disregarded Fire Elementals in 1v1 PvP, but I think they shine in raiding. Its a fireball that can capture a building. (As you will see in the video)
  3. Your territory was nicely split out, no stack of storehouses in any one area. You make me run around the board which is good.
  4. Kheldara http://sagathoughts.blogspot.com/2008/06/kheldara-interview-raiding-and.html recommends killing any resource node that you don't have near a watch tower. You want the attacker to eat tower arrows while holding off your troops.
  5. If you note I tend to try to tank with my fire elementals while my lightning elementals caps behind them. This combo is good for capping because spreading out troops too much is bad in raids.

List of recommendations:

  • Up your speed on your defenders. You want them to charge so I have to fight many at once. Speed gear, weapons and armor. If you can have me fighting 3 common armies at once, thats better then killing one at a time.
  • Don't use anything slower then 12 speed. Just don't do it.
  • More heavy cav. 25,000 gold for 12 is a great deal.
  • Dragons are GREAT defenders. Hella easy to level to 7 or 8, and they have none of the pathing issues many troops have. The raider HAS to stop to cap something, and when he does, the dragon is annoying. If you were Light, white dragons are a CHEAP way to annoy people on raids.

Anyway good job Karma! Hopefully others will raid you too, and level your troops for you.


Anonymous said...

Karma Good Or Bad thanks you for the raids!I will use your advice well and build up my wilderness defence,move some speed buffs around,build a few more towers,get 10 more troops for my level 9 heavy cavalry(don't ask lol)and consider taking out some resource buildings.As for Eagle Riders??I wish I could afford one..On fixed income and funds are tight,so I will work on it.Oh and hit me as much as you want cause it will teach me and it is only a game..Although you did make my REAL cat Karma QQ....
A real fan Lord Mars1..I play Runescape Too.."AKA immense noob"!!

CCIE said...


Just wait, I got a good video going up to YouTube soon.

It will show you what your terr looks from the raiders side.


Anonymous said...

I like the way you wrote this kind of blog.

apply for a loan

Anonymous said...

Karma Good Or Bad.
Great video,my troops went down like brush in a California wildfire!!I do have a unit each of Lightning,Fire and Earth Elementals so I am going to train them up..Sorry to say no one else has come to visit...yet.

Lord Mars1