So I faked my way to the front page of the "Overall" rating. (I have an artificially raised Military rating based on leveling using PvP. People called it faking. whatever...)
I've been sitting at #11 for a couple days, just trying to figure out what affects the economic rating. I asked one of the saga guys in /help, but he didn't know how it worked.
My Economic rating was 1250 yesterday, and 1350 today. The only difference is I left some cash laying in my nation bank. I normally offload it daily to alts or spend on walls, but I have about 10,000 gold left from doing some quests. Walls don't seem to do anything, I upgraded to full reenforced without any change in rating.
So maybe a full level Rank 3 university is worth 1250 rating. And amassing resources gives rating too.
So assuming that 10,000 gold is equal to 100 rating points that would put Twonstermonster at about 900,000 resources? That's not alot, considering you can easily make over 8,000 gold for a single quest run. That would mean farming a 10 min run 100 times, I could catch up to his rating? Thats only 16 hours, basically a weekend of steady play.
Maybe it has a diministing return as you grow your cash. Ancestral bragged that he had 2,000,000 of each resource on an alt, but that would mean that if he had 6,000,000 resources, that would put his alt economic rating at 60,000 rating, even higher then TM. I assume he was exaggerating, 6,000,000 resources seem like alot not to spend. I tend to buy a unit of heavy cav every time I free up 25,000 gold.
I assume a diministing return, if anyone has any idea leave me a comment.
Actually it's true .I have alot of customers in saga and sometimes sell well over 100k resources a day at killer prices.I also know how to use the market system very well and my best week was 67 pacs 8)Anyway i can't leave all these resources on ancestral/dawnbringer because someone might get froggy**cough CCIE
Twonster has over 4mil in gold...Not sure about his resources
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