With all the patch notes going on, this was something I until later.
In other games there were alot of guilds that recruited new players. When those players get better at the game they naturally move on and go into other guilds that are at a higher level.
I think the same applies for Ironforge's guild. The only high level player I have seen in that set of four guilds is Ironforge and Silvermoon. The rest are causal players thatlgo in infrequently.
About a month ago, Illian and Kheldara raided Ironforge to the point where he put in a harassment ticket into Silverlode. Harassment of a level 35 by raiding and espionage is not harassment as he soon found out.
At one time I was on of his many guilds. As a new player I wanted to test the resource sharing, which is pretty weak when most players contribute less the 30 resources a day. After hitting about level 20, I dropped out and recently formed my own guild, which resource sharing was FAR from the reason to join.
I think anyone really plans on raiding Ironforge again right now. The walls patch is still going in, getting mines that are walled up is a tactic I don't think we have figured out yet.
As Jonathan Coulton put it, "The voices that control me, from inside my head say I shouldn't kill you. - yet."
Karma Bad Or Good.........
How does one go about gaining Henchman statis to CCIE??Or maybe I could just be a Toadie,,,,I am tired of being one of the Saga Helpless Rabble.
Lord Mars1 This game just keeps getting better and better.........
Get to 35 Karma!
Pledge to create drama.
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