So there will be a patch fixing some of the wall placement freebuild bugs in about an hour from now.
I had some early recommendations to anyone planning their territory defenses using free-build.
- The first thing is to decide how you want to build. Concentrated or distributed.
- If you want to concentrate in an area and tower it up, you are defending mostly against lower level players. Towers have less effect, in fact low effect against end-game raiders. However, this is good as there are alot of low level raiders.
- Distributed works better against an end-gamer player. You make him have to spread out his troops and grab multiple caps before running out of time. Harass him with lots of troops to kill, he might miss buildings or spread out where his dps is lower.
- If you distribute the only building to worry about are mana mines and storehouses. Keep those 8 builds as far apart from each other as possible. Stick a tower in shooting range of each of those buildings.
- Everything else you can stick where ever. I like to make house subdivisions that mess with the raiders pathing, but that's optional.
- If you have a mana mine point far away from the rest, you may want to think about ignoring it, and walling it up.
- Ignore your gold mines/ore/lumber, these are secondary importance to a raider. Just make sure NONE can be capped at once. Nothing should be next to each other in range of a single troop cap.
- You Keep is a 9th tower, but it's range is SHORT. Remember this.
- The hills and mountains are pathing LOS. If you stick your storehouse on a mountain, you can stick other buildings around it to make it harder to cap from each direction. There will always be a way to cap it, but the raider my have to move his capping troops a couple times to find the right spot.
Well its nice.
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Something more serious than loans: what are defenses (towers/walls) good for in your home city (AKA not-territory)? Only for PvP battles (me=newb)? Any suggestions on how to distribute your buildings and locate your defenses there?
Why not just build walls around a cluster with towers inside?
Could be me, but it seems you always spawn at the same place when you raid a certain territory.
That would mean you could just build a 3-layer Reinforced Wall with 20 Round Towers and some Watchtowers outside around the attackers spawnpoint.
Then station some ranged units at your territory and your in for a good laugh.
fantastic info and content as always.
Is that true about the territory raids?
Karma Good Or Bad....
I am building my city walls and since I have yet gotten the nutsack to PvP I ask you this.
On which side of the map does enemy territory spawn?My Kingdom has a HUGE lake and my defence is using it as one of my walls.Also should I double wall other 3 sides?I have my gatehouses right by three of my shrines and in dead center my Stronghold,Chapel and 4 storehouses are going to be a seperate walled strongpoint.Your Thoughts are The Saga Bible to me,so I look forward to feedback.
Lord Mars1 ex Rhyzom player.....
Karma, check out my video. You need to defend city for any compass directions. PvP is a random angle of attack.
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