They are giving 4 for winning 3 for 2nd place 2 for 3rd and 4th places.
My thought is that is too few prices for an 12$ entry for even a small eight person tourney.

Here is the math:
- 8 people buy 3 boosters and 2$ in tickets = $96
- 4+3+2+2 = 11 boosters = $33 in prizes?
- Top winner is 4 boosters who wins $16 for his $12 entry fee.
And for those that say that you can sell the cards. Fine. Tell me how many boosters are worth MORE then $3.
To demonstrate this, I just bought 4 boosters, here is EACH of them:

Human Javelineers
Human Light Cavalry
Human Spearmen
Elven Archers
Elven Warriors
Wood Spriggans
Giant Bowmen
Human Light Lancers
Sub-Total: $3.11

Human Javelineers
Human Mercenaries
Human Pikemen
Elven Archers
Elven Druids
Elven Sabretooth Riders
Dark Elf Bowmen
Holy Light
Sub-Total: $3.67

Human Javelineers
Human Light Cavalry
Human Swordmaidens
Make Haste
Elven Saboteurs
Green Dragon
Wood Spriggans
Ogre Halberdiers
Sub-Total: $4.44

Elven Saboteurs
Wood Spriggans
Orc Infantry
Take No Prisoners
Human Heavy Infantry
Human Pikemen
Human Spearmen
Elven Druids
Dwarven Mechanists
Giant Bowmen
Sub-Total: $2.73
Pack 1 Retail Value: $3.11
Pack 2 Retail Value: $3.67
Pack 3 Retail Value: $4.44
Pack 4 Retail Value: $2.73
Total - $13.95 (retail value)
I spend $2.95 X 4 packs = $11.80
Assuming Sagaunits give me 85% of the card value, I can sell them to him for $11.85
5 cent profit!

Here is the rest of the discussion from the forums. I will address only on writer:
- He is making the mistake assuming that I am complaining about prizes do to my income.
There is my army. Don't make that assumption. I can and HAVE bought frankly any army I want. My income isn't the issue. - And don't let your experience working at "the card shop" apply here. This is a game with 100 times the number of players that your card shop can draw. The model is more scaling.
- Also MTGO don't work comparing it to Saga. In MTGO you cap at FOUR OF THE SAME CARDS per deck. Saga it maxs at 25. Much HARDER to collect armies then a 60 card Magic Deck.
I am championing for the person who ISN'T like me, and can't afford to throw hundreds of dollars at a hobby.
I will restate my position again, and if anyone want to "fan boy" how smart Silverlode is, and their ideas HAVE to be perfect on the first go, fine. I'm trying to help Silverlode not attack them.
My position is:
- If you give more boosters as prizes, you add supply to the market of free cards.
- Free cards leads to more supply at the card vendors, ( thus LOWERING the pricing of expensive army builder cards. Have you not noticed that Saga Units can't seem to keep certain cards in stock right now? Dark Elf Bowman? Grythons, Eagles etc.
- That's due to the the fact that we DON'T buy boosters right now. Most people find it hella easier to buy from Saga Units, and the supply of free boosters is going down. We need the tourneyment scene to be WILDLY successful to bring the overall cost of the game down. If the game were cheaper their would be more people playing and more cards circulating in the market. - If you run the guild list into excel, there are about 3000 players of saga right now, that are in guilds. This is pretty much a 90% list of all saga players. If Saga had 200,000 players there would be 1000 times more cards circulating.
- I've brought over two players with me so far from other games. You know the first thing that they run into for trouble? Collecting a large enough army to play without investing $100 in the game day one.
All I want is more boosters for prizes, to increase the card supply, and to help keep the prices low enough for new players to be able to buy a decent army.
Having Heavy Cav (a common) at $6 a full unit is not helpful for new players:
Your beliefs about tournaments are flawed. You say it costs three boosters to play a tournament and when you win, you get four for a net profit of one. This thinking is flawed. You PROFIT 4 boosters when winning the tournament. Every participating player buying the 3 boosters receives all three boosters they buy. So the winner finishes with seven boosters. This will change your thinking of the prizes tremendously.
Somebody had their jump to conclusions mat out today huh
Ok sure if you sell your spare cards from the first tourneyment, you can get a couple dollars to offset the cost of the second.
But it still doesn't seem enough.
$96 for $33 in prizes.
Argue that for me?
And yes I have watched the movie Office Space. It's pretty good.
Look, you buy 3 boosters for the tourney and you get to keep them. That's 9 dollars, but you get to keep the cards. That is NOT part of the prize free. You are simply required to buy three boosters for yourself to play in the tourney.
The fee is $2 plus having to buy yourself 3 boosters, which many people buy often anyways.
And where did you get $96 dollars from anyways. Even including the 3 boosters it doesn't make sense.
Come on, read a little.
Here is the math:
8 people buy 3 boosters and 2$ in tickets = $96
sorry maybe im missing something
8x3x3 = 72
8x2 = 16
72+16 = 88
ok $86.80 in entry fees and $32.45 in prizes if you want to be exact :)
Yeah minor math error.
Packs are $2.95
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