Friday, July 11, 2008 and why we buy card from shops...

When you visit you might see a banner for this blog site.

I'm really NOT a sponser. (Unless you count buying cards, then well, everyone is a sponser.)

So why do we all buy cards from these guys?

It's my opinion that us card buyers tend to use the following methodology in determining how to acquire cards for units.

  1. Can we get it for free from Saga? This drives alot of us to refer friends and making up fan sites. (I still haven't gotten my boosters from building a fan site.)
  2. Can we trade our extra cards from boosters for what we want? This only happens if you get a good chase uncommon like raven riders, eagles, treants, gryphons, snipers. And because you get so few good trade bait cards that often you want ALOT for a tradebait card. (An looking at the market most of you want TOO much in trade.)
  3. Can we buy the card from the NPC market? This is nice for commons like Heavy Cav. As I have said before, spending 24,000 gold for a full troop of heavy cav is a BARGIN at level 30+. You could play the entire game with 10 units of Heavy Cav and 10 Elven Archer chicks. Illian and Kheldara would kick your butt in PvP, but honestly who beats them anyhow?
  4. Finally we come to the card sellers. and others. If you can't do any of the 1-3 methods, you have now to determine whether it is worth spending paypal money on. And this is based on how much money means to you, and how much you'd rather have that cool unit.

The best thing about Saga is you REALLY DON'T need a big army to play. You can get by leveling and gearing common troops and pretty much do anything you like in the game from PvE to PvP, raiding, espionage, tourneyments, World Conflict etc.

I bet you can even play for free.

  • Now that I have EVERY unit for my faction, playing for free would be easy for me. I'd stick with Heavy Cav, Cav Archers, Human Xbow, Elven Archers, Behemoths. I'd have alot of those units and I bet I'd be able to have a blast even without my two favorites, Treants and Lightning Elementals.

But that's because I've already played with all the faction troops. I know I bought my first Treant unit when I watched someone play with them in Stalling Tactics. Playing Coop greatly increases the chance you will spend money on cards. If I were , I would spend every day running Co-op missions with newbies, playing nothing but expensive units.

  • We buy cards from online stores because we think that it will make us BETTER and the game more fun.

Does it? Well yes it really does!

Are they worth it?

  • Just depends on how much money you care to spend on online gaming. I personally find gaming cheaper then going out to the movies or other outside fun. So instead of paying $60 in gas, I buy cards. The cost of a Treant units - (20$) is kinda crazy, but my MONTHLY fun budget is no higher playing Saga then going out.

  • Sure I'm rationalizing the fact that I spent over 200-300$ with the card sellers. No doubt. But I also had five world of warcraft accounts at $14/month I paid for. I also spent more then $100/month buying DVDs and CDs. It's all just recreational money really.

And if you are looking for a deal, then look for the Undead army when it comes out. The Factional packs will GREATLY reduce the overall card cost for awhile. You will see very cheap uncommons based on what Silverlode is doing to help people collect that army. (Thank you Silverlode!)

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