Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Life Infusion's Blog - Top 5 content writers:

So I love reading content in Saga. There are so many thing I don't yet know, so like people that write stuff for me to read:

  1. Life Infusion. He wrote about 6 blogs today, all about one paragraph in length. http://community.teamcovenant.com/?q=blog/8 - Life Infusion is pretty funny, I interviewed him the other day, without realizing he was stuck at Nation level 25. I figured from as much as he wrote that he MUST have been 35 for months. Nope, he admittedly hates to grind. Anyway, please read his stuff, it's all good, both on the new teamcov site, and on the forums.
  2. Illian. This guy is extremely knowledgeable, and seems to post all good information. He happens to be the best video maker, (or only video maker), in saga, so we all look forward to his new films. If you want to know whats going on, listen to Illian.
  3. Kheldara. Best Raid info I ever found here: http://sagathoughts.blogspot.com/2008/06/kheldara-interview-raiding-and.html
  4. TwonsterMonster. New fresh market content is good: http://sagathoughts.blogspot.com/2008/07/new-market-guide.html
  5. Sauron. This guy is impossible to track down for an interview online. He ignores every message I send him. However with that all said and done, he does spam post as his "NightmareLord" forum poster. After Illian, he is one of the most talkative forum posters, although often he is quick to attack Saga, which as a player, I feel is counterintuitive.
  6. Monk. He doesn't count in my list because his job is Saga, but his content is excellent. Of course he knows a little more about the game after all. http://monkscorner.wordpress.com/

In summary, I do enjoy other's writings, if you want me to list your writing over here at sagathoughts let me know, I will happily link your RSS.

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