Monday, July 7, 2008

New Market Guide

TwonsterMonster wrote a new guide that hit the site today.

I wanted to cross-post it because it was a very good guide, yet I still had some comments on it:

  1. Firstly, gathering gold for high level players is pretty easy. I can easily gather up 20k gold anytime I like in about 20mins max. And I'm only 31, so I'm sure I can even find easier ways later on.
  2. Because a high level player can gather gold and mats, they can easily buy the cards from the newbies's boosters. However, the newbies (that NEED the cards) can't trade for what they need because the high level players all scoop it up. This seems a silly system.
  3. I have many troops. And now that I am high level, I can easily trade for even MORE troops. ?? This seems backwards.
  4. The market is plain PAINFUL for finding units you like. I think I'd rather listen to trade channel, then deal with the market. And I have more success in the trade channel.
  5. The problem with the market is that the only troops you can get good deal on is the common troops that you can buy from the NPC vendor.
  6. All the uncommons are priced cheaper on card sites.
  7. For example you buy a common heavy cav for 2000 gold. This means in 20 mins I can farm gold for 10 cav. 10 cav cost about 5$ on the card sites. Buying from the NPC is cheaper. I happily trade 20,000 gold for almost a unit of heavy cav.
  8. Buying a Treant costs 5$ on a the card sites. On the market the Treant is usually traded for 2 dark raven riders or 2 other 6 CP flyers. They sell for 4$/card on the card sites. And considering the booster pack rate is about 1 in 20 packs, boosters won't get the tradebait anyway.

Illian put it best, "Unless buying undead faction packs, boosters aren't worth buying. I buy all my singles online."

Yeah me too.

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