Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ancestral not getting the point...

So one of the Saga players doesn't seem to get it...

First to understand this chain of emails, you need to realize Dawnbringer is Ancestral's alt that he is lowby PvP farmer. He plays level 10-14 players with level 7 troops. (This is a very high troop level for level 10-14, most of his opponents are probably fielding Level 3s.)

Then he attacks me for having a high fake rating. Even though I did a blog on this DAYS ago, with the idea to PROMOTE pvping for fun:

Then he asks me to put my "main" on wilderness?? I have 4 wilderness on the CCIE nation. I swapped to Nature after playing it on my girlfriends account. You can CONSIDER my CCIE account my main, and feel free to raid me. You did raid me:

You got a total of 212 mats and 4 shards. (Raids cost 1500 god favor and 5 shards to run)

You guild has done a stack of raids on me, raids I welcome for the fun that ensues!

What's the problem?

I'm confused why you need to QQ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this guy might do a QQ if he ever raided my main lvl 35 nation or pvp'd me but he declines every offer i throw on the table.Way to set the example but just go ahead and keep raiding my lvl 13 alt. that takes a ton of skill man lol.